Rajoy remains in shock while spain is tearing apart


The power struggle between Catalonia and Spain is reaching its peak after the newly elected Parliament submitted an Independence proposal and its road map.

The current Spanish President, Mariano Rajoy, has announced the law enforcement, albeit with no further details. The President’s intention is to reunite with the opposition parties within a few days. Surprisingly, he has pointed out that, from his point of view, Spain is not territorially divided.

Since the secessionist movement started, the President has been unable to make a decision in order to defuse tensions. Not only has he ignored the requests from the Catalan Government, but also has underestimated the fact that, at least once a year, hundreds of locals fill the street as a way to show their discontent with the ruling People’s Party policy.

Notwithstanding, nothing seems to have changed his mind, he is still refusing to give voice to The Catalans arguing that a measure such a referendum is not contemplated in Spanish Constitution nor in its law. In fact, the President of Generalitat of Catalonia, Artur Mas, is being charged with disobedience; specifically with organizing the referendum that took place on November 9th.   As if this were not enough, Mariano Rajoy has recently threatened with ceasing the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, a move with unpredictable consequences that may sink the ship.

However, it is not only Rajoy’s fault, but Artur Mas as well. Both of them have been playing a tug-of-war game in which the only real losers are likely to be the Spaniards. Their correspondent parties are both involved is corruption cases, the most striking ones in Spanish’s recent history and even so, they still consider themselves legitimated to speak up about the enforcement of law.

It is high time the Spanish Government started taking care of their citizens in order to turn this territorial crisis into election propaganda, as general elections are due in less than two months.

Related links: 

Spain’s Prime Minister Rajoy is the one who has unwittingly made Catalonia turn to independence  by Independent

EU must find solutions for Catalonia by Euobserver

Arguments for and against Catalonia independence by  Debatingeurope